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Public Speaker

Top Rated Speaker for High Schools, Keynotes, and Live Events

A Speaker with a message...

The person I am today is not the person I was back then.

I was released from prison on May 14, 2012. Since that day I have not had an alcoholic drink or chased after drugs of any sort. I have not been arrested or detained for breaking the law.As a published author I’ve been invited all over the United States as a motivational speaker. I have experienced the joy of legally obtaining and paying for my home and a new car. I have been involved with Toastmasters International as a featured speaker, won speech competitions, and been elected club president. I have a wonderful wife by my side who knows my story, accepts me for who I am today, and wants to be with me for the rest of her life! We enjoy a blended family that includes four children and three grandchildren. 

“The answer is: choices – good, conscious, moral choices – and a relationship with Jesus Christ who has forgiven my sins as far as the east is from the west.

— Ron L James

How did that complete change happen? The answer is: CHOICES – good, conscious, moral choices – and a relationship with a loving and merciful God. There are countless bad choices to be made every day, just as there are countless good choices. The choices you make today will determine your tomorrow. So make your next move your best move. Make your next choice your best choice.




Drugs and Alcohol

Establishing a positive mind-set that prevents using drugs and Alcohol before one starts. 



Help students and others identify the power that they have over their own destiny with the power of their own choices.



Identifying one’s thoughts, feelings, and strengths, and recognizing how they influence one’s choices and actions.

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Social Awareness

Identifying and understanding the thoughts and feelings of others, respecting their rights, and appreciating diversity.



Establishing and working toward short- and long-term goals, and handling emotions so that they facilitate rather than interfere with the task at hand.


Responsible Decision Making

Generating, implementing, and evaluating positive and informed solutions to problems, and assuming responsibility for personal decisions and behaviors.


Building Healthy Relationships

Communication, listening, and negotiation skills to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding connections with individuals and groups.

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Cultivating Calm During Stressful Moments

It’s normal to get angry or irritated sometimes. Learn to recognize “trigger situations” and do something about them before you lose control. Try taking deep breaths for a few moments. Consider having a “quiet area” where people can go when they are upset. Or you can just stop talking and leave the room for a while. Sit down as a family and talk about what everyone can do to stay calm.


Understanding others and Self:

Developing empathy and taking the perspective of others. Handling emotions, setting goals, and dealing with obstacles

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Helping to identify the early stages of bullying and what steps to take from all points of view. 



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